Member Benefits

Publishing Talk - Member Benefits

The current value of Publishing Talk member benefits is over £500 – and growing! Join us from only £10 per month. Our member benefits include:

  • Masterclasses. Free access to all paid live masterclasses, and priority booking to any free masterclasses we run. Plus full access to all past masterclasses, including video replays, and (where available) PDF handouts and slides.
  • Tree planting. Help us to support the environment. We plant two trees for every month your membership is active, or 24 trees if you buy an annual membership
  • Discounts on books to help you develop as a writer
  • Discounts on coaching, conferences and courses
  • Downloads of PDF resources to help you become a successful author.

Your membership also helps us keep going, and develop new resources for writers. Thank you for your support – it means a lot to us.


Publishing Talk MasterclassesLIVE MASTERCLASSES. Attend any of our paid live online 90-minute masterclasses for FREE. Simply use your members-only code when booking in Eventbrite. We will verify all member bookings, and you will need to be an active member in the month the event you attend takes place.

The code will also change periodically, so please check the Members’ Area regularly. Visit our masterclasses page to book.

Masterclass ReplaysMASTERCLASS REPLAYS. As a member you can access any of our previous masterclasses on this site.

Each masterclass is available on a separate blog post on this site, accessible only to logged in members. Each contains a video replay, PDF downloads such as handouts and slides (where included), and links to things covered in the class.

Tree Planting

Ecologi + Publishing TalkAs part of our commitment to sustainability, we plant trees on behalf of our members, via our partnership with Ecologi:

  • Monthly members: 2 trees per month – for every month your membership is active
  • Annual members: 24 trees when you purchase an annual membership
  • Masterclass attendees: 1 tree for every live masterclass you register for – whether you’re a member or not.

Find our more about our tree planting programme, or visit the Publishing Talk forest to see how, with your help, it’s growing!


Teach Yourself - Creative Writing BooksMember benefits include discounts on books to help you develop as a writer. Get a 25% discount on ALL creative writing titles from Teach Yourself – around 40 titles in total!

Visit the Teach Yourself website and use your members’ code at checkout. (More titles will be added to this page soon.)



Teach Yourself creative writing titles

Writers' & Artists' Yearbook
Get 25% off the Writers’ & Artists’ Yearbook and the Children’s Writers’ & Artists’ Yearbook.

These directories of agents and publishers are an essential reference if you want to get published in the UK. And they also contain lots of useful articles on getting published.

Visit and use your members’ code at checkout.

Scott Pack - Tips from a PublisherScott Pack‘s masterclass on How to Perfect Your Submission to Agents and Publishers is a popular, practical session on how to put together your proposal and query letter. You can see the replay of his last session, or attend his next session live – all for free, as a member.

To get 30% off Scott’s book Tips from a Publisher: A Guide to Writing, Editing, Submitting and Publishing Your Book, visit the Eye Books website and enter your members’ code at checkout. Includes free delivery in the UK.

Plus you can also download a free chapter on ‘How to Perfect Your Submission’ from this book (34-page PDF) from the Members’ Area, or Scott Pack’s Masterclass Replay page.

Twice 5 Miles books25% off the digital editions of these Twice 5 Miles titles:

These practical guides for authors offer insightful advice on the stuff nobody teaches you! Use your members’ code at checkout.


Coaching, Conferences and Courses

ProlifikoMember benefits include discounts on coaching, conferences and courses too. Get 25% off Prolifiko’s 4-Week Writing Bootcamp to boost your productivity. Visit the Prolifiko website and enter your members’ code. This runs about twice a year with 20 people.



Your member benefits also include downloads. Some masterclasses include a PDF download. You can download these from the individual Masterclass Replay pages – or from the Members’ Area.

7 Tips for Becoming a Successful Author - by Nicola May

7 Tips for Becoming a Successful Author – by Nicola May

Download Nicola May’s two-page handout with her top tips for becoming a successful author, and some of the tools she uses.

The replay of Nicola May‘s masterclass on How to Become a Kindle Bestseller is also available to members via our Masterclass Replays page.


Make the Most of Your Writing Time - by Bec Evans

Make the Most of Your Writing Time –
by Bec Evans

Which type of writer are you? This handy one-page PDF from writing productivity expert Bec Evans highlights strategies to help you get more words down on the page, whatever your usual working pattern.

The replay of Bec Evans’s masterclass on How to Build a Writing Habit is also available to members via our Masterclass Replays page – where you can also download a PDF handout of her slides.

Bec is also co-founder of Prolifiko. As a member you can also get 25% off their 4-Week Writing Bootcamp to boost your productivity.

Scott Pack - Tips from a PublisherHow to Perfect Your Submission – by Scott Pack

Download a free chapter from Scott Pack’s book Tips from a Publisher: A Guide to Writing, Editing, Submitting and Publishing Your Book. This is the chapter entitled ‘How to Perfect Your Submission’.

This chapter is the basis for Scott’s masterclass on How to Perfect Your Submission to Agents and Publishers is a popular, practical session on how to put together your proposal and query letter.

You can see the replay of his last session, or attend his next session live – all for free, as a member.



Join us to access member benefits

Want to become a successful author? Join the club! Join now from only £10 per month (approx. $11 USD / €11) to access all these member benefits. Cancel any time. Or save £30 with an annual membership, for a one-off payment of £90 (approx. $100 USD / €100).

Level Price  
Monthly £10.00 per Month. Select
Annual £90.00 now.
Membership expires after 1 Year.

Join us on your journey to becoming a successful author!