Emily Benet

Case StudiesGet PublishedSelf-Publishing

How to use Wattpad to get a book deal

Serialized novels were popularised by Victorian novelists such as Charles Dickens. Today, free online tools enable anyone to do it – and reach an audience. But would you do it for free? What if it lead to a million hits and a two-book deal with HarperCollins? Emily Benet tells us how she used Wattpad as a launchpad, and shares her top tips for success.

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Publishing Talk Magazine 3 – NaNoWriMo

November can mean only one thing: it’s NaNoWriMo time!
Whether you’re doing NaNoWriMo this year, saving your writing marathon for another month – or against the whole idea – there’s something for you in this issue.
We have two bestselling authors who used NaNoWriMo: Elizabeth Haynes and Julia Crouch; plus bestselling indie author Linda Gillard, who challenges the idea that churning out verbiage for an entire month has to be a good thing. Writing coaches Tom Evans and Sarah Salway are here to boost your productivity, and Jon Reed looks at some digital tools to help you write.

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Featured postTweetups

Publishing Twitterati Flock Together at the London Book Fair

The publishing Twitterati were out in force at the London Book Fair last night, for London Book Tweet – the official tweetup organised by the London Book Fair and Publishing Talk. Despite a little ash-depletion, 50-odd publishers, authors, agents, journalists, trade association representatives and other book trade folk squeezed a bit of tweeting-up in between ligging drinks at various stands and going on to the Canongate party. Many thanks to all who came, and to those who made it all possible with their creative contributions.

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